What does your gut say?
Did you know that: The small intestine is about 22 feet (7 meters) long, and about an inch (2.5 centimeters) in diameter. Based on these...

Acupuncture for......children?
Yes! Surprisingly, acupuncture for children was developed several thousand years ago and has been refined and passed along for many...

Castor Oil
Lately, in my clinic, I have been recommending castor oil packs to many of my patients. I recently had someone ask me "What does castor...
Happy New Year!
It is that time again! Time for fresh starts, moving forward and making changes. I have never been big on a long list of goals for the...
New Herbal Formulas Discovered!
I just came across this article about a discovery of herbal formulas and texts that were discovered in China about a year ago. The...
Hospitals Getting On Board With Herbal Prescriptions!
Chinese herbal therapy debuts at Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals Integrative medicine has been growing in acceptance in recent...
Acupuncture and Heroin Addiction
I just came upon this article and knew I needed to post it right away. Living in Cleveland has made me very aware of the growing use of...